Thursday, October 21, 2010


Dear Dinosaur Jr.,

Let me start by saying...what the fuck is this ^

Tell me hows this is happen?! You were as one time a beans of string and now is become lards of tubbies! You are a bunch of fat and lazy piggy;s...that is what you are. Do you understaNd me?

Next, I would like to ask how much food goes in those big ol` lebbies? Those luttons can hold gallons of ice keeM but did they? Is that all that went in there? Ever heard of a exercising your own? A routine perhaps!

Also, let me point out your faces. How did they all look like dooFs??? You were never that much of cool people but now you is all a bunch of nerd creeps who likes comix! Do you has comixs?? Throw them out along with your tubs and tubs of blubbery cheese doodles.

In conclusion, you Dinosaur Jr, need a desperate intervention of your image. You put the earth to shame with those powndS. tell me a secret..would you?


Goobie Doobsis.

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