Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I cant stand up cuz me lebby is bog!

what can happens? how much can be did? Heres a speech: sit while you can in a ostrich flavoured desk! you cant fit! you are not! type you own bloggy page??? your life! the cellar!? sanwich includedDDD!!! how do you know! tubby stantley be you new name! buffet is for all! now just yoooo gutso!! jimebug your leggy beggy belly! keep it buttoned! with a big fat alarm! honk honk! to fat for the seat! put up your hand! candy time!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Sitr Down! NOW! raise ur paws! BUTISO!

Did anyone every not have to get stuck in a desk? (SEE BLUBZEE ABOVE). desks are not maked for to become LARG as the Hecks belobe! Questions me? FOrsake me? Diet me own? NEVER! my mouth is full of the french fries from Olympiss! Dont dare me! FAT IS MY CUZZINT! MY BUTT SMELLS LIKE the north capes pole! look around? my gut isnt a toy! put it dowqn! look at me! for me Lebbie is cold...and feck. desks are small,,,my bumble bee belly is noot!